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Easter Quotes

The story of Easter is the story of God’s wonderful window of divine surprise.  ~Carl Knudsen

And as He was resurrected
On that day, so very fair,
Let our thoughts be resurrected
From wrong thinking to God’s care…
~Gertrude Tooley Buckingham, “Easter” (1940s)

“Easter,” all her birds are singing,
Easter, and the souls of men,
Lying long in strife and shadow,
Take the light of heaven again.
~J.J. Britton (1832–1913), “Easter”

Well pleaseth me the sweet time of Easter
That maketh the leaf and the flower come out.
~Bertran de Born

Angels, roll the rock away;
Death, yield up thy mighty prey:
See, He rises from the tomb,
Glowing with immortal bloom.
~Thomas Scott, “Easter Angels”

Once more to new creation Awake,
and death gainsay,
For death is swallowed up of life,
And Christ is risen today!
~George Newell Lovejoy

For I remember it is Easter morn,
And life and love and peace are all new born.
~Alice Freeman Palmer

Easter is not a time for groping through dusty, musty tomes or tombs to disprove spontaneous generation or even to prove life eternal.  It is a day to fan the ashes of dead hope, a day to banish doubts and seek the slopes where the sun is rising, to revel in the faith which transports us out of ourselves and the dead past into the vast and inviting unknown.  ~Author unknown, as quoted in the Lewiston Tribune


The story of Easter is the story of God's wonderful window of divine surprise.  ~Carl Knudsen And as He was resurrected On that day, so very fair, Let our thoughts be resurrected From wrong thinking to God's care... ~Gertrude Tooley Buckingham, "Easter" (1940s) "Easter," all her birds are singing, Easter, and the souls of men, Lying long in strife and shadow, Take the light of heaven again. ~J.J. Britton (1832–1913), "Easter" Well pleaseth me the sweet time of Easter That maketh the leaf and the flower come out. ~Bertran de Born Angels, roll the rock away; Death, yield up thy…

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